Kartu Perdana Thuraya
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Kartu Perdana Telepon Satelite Thuraya

SKU : Perdana Thuraya
0859 4257 8990 / 0811 1390 801

Deskripsi Produk

The ThurayaPrepay SIM card is well-suited for Thuraya satellite phone customers who wish to purchase prepaid airtime rather than sign up for a billed-monthy account. The ThurayaPrePay SIM card is required for those who wish to purchase scratch codes. Coverage area : Africa, Middle East, Europe, Central Asia, India, Australia.

Jual Kartu Perdana Telepon Satelite Thuraya dengan harga murah dan bergaransi resmi.Dapatkan produk berkualitas dan terpercaya.Distributor alat alat survey geologi telekomunikasi gps geodetik dll 100% Original.

Global Hutama || Pusatnya Alat Survey GPS Geologi Telekomunikasi Laboratorium & Alat Ukur Indonesia
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