Horiba IT-545

Horiba Infrared Thermometer IT-545 Series


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The hand-held IT-545 is an industry leading* high accuracy , thermal-radiation-type thermometer that uses a point marker to clearly designate the measurement location.

In addition to being very portable, the IT-545 is easy to use, and is equipped with a range of advanced features that provide a high level of functionality.

It is ideal for remote temperature measurement in dangerous applications such as monitoring abnormal heat generation in voltage transformer equipment, and for quick, accurate and hygienic monitoring of the storage temperature of foodstuffs.

The twin-beam laser marker provides clear target designation, and the operator is immediately notified of temperature abnormalities by an alarm and flashing of the marker.

Feature :

  • High-accuracy (+/-1°C), high repeatability (+/-0.3°C), and fast response (within 0.8 sec, 95%)
  • Easy-to-carry, compact and lightweight design
  • Quick, accurate readings, even under rapidly changing ambient temperatures minimizing temperature drift
  • Wide measurement area
  • Abnormal temperature warning by audio alarm and flashing marker*
*Only for models designated IT-545NH and IT-545

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