Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-205L

Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-205L

SKU : Topcon DT-205L
0859 4257 8990 / 0811 1390 801

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The DT-200 offers the option of dual or single LCD displays. Additionally, it features an easy-to-use five-button interface panel. To help you get accurate measurements, this theodolite is equipped with an optical plummet. Additionally, the DT-200 series offers a laser pointer option that has a range of 165 feet.

The Topcon Digital Theodolite is equipped with reticle illumination which is great for use in low light environments. It can work up to 140 to 170 hours with just theodolite and 45 hours using theodolite and laser. With an IP66 environmental rating, it is dustproof and waterproof.

Fitur :

  • 5" Angle Measurement Accuracy
  • Long Battery Life
  • Waterproof and Dustproof Digital Theodolites
  • 633nm diode laser that can
  • Be seen up to 50 meters away
  • Outside in daylight

Jual Topcon DT-205L Digital Theodolit Murah dengan harga murah dan bergaransi resmi.Dapat produk berkualitas dan sudah dalam tahap QC oleh tim kami,dengan spesifikasi lengkap.

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